Monday, July 13, 2015

Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)

The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard that defines a protocol for systems to exchange messages. AMQP defines not only the interaction that happens between a consumer/producer and a broker, but also the over-the-wire representation of the messages and commands that are being exchanged. Since it specifies the wire format for messages, AMQP is truly interoperable - nothing is left to the interpretation of a particular vendor or hosting platform.
AMQP was originated in 2003 by John O'Hara at JPMorgan Chase in London, UK. From the beginning AMQP was conceived as a co-operative open effort. Initial development was by JPMorgan Chase. AMQP is a binary, application layer protocol, designed to efficiently support a wide variety of messaging applications and communication patterns. It provides flow controlled, message-oriented communication with message-delivery guarantees such as at-most-once (where each message is delivered once or never), at-least-once (where each message is certain to be delivered, but may do so multiple times) and exactly-once (where the message will always certainly arrive and do so only once), and authentication and/or encryption based on SASL and/or TLS. It assumes an underlying reliable transport layer protocol such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
List of core concepts of AMQP:
  • Broker: This is a middleware application that can receive messages produced by publishers and deliver them to consumers or to another broker.
  • Virtual host: This is a virtual division in a broker that allows the segregation of publishers, consumers, and all the AMQP constructs they depend upon, usually for security reasons (such as multitenancy).
  • Connection: This is a physical network (TCP) connection between a publisher/consumer and a broker. The connection only closes on client disconnection or in the case of a network or broker failure.
  • Channel: This is a logical connection between a publisher/consumer and a broker. Multiple channels can be established within a single connection. Channels allow the isolation of the interaction between a particular client and broker so that they don't interfere with each other. This happens without opening costly individual TCP connections. A channel can close when a protocol error occurs.
  • Exchange: This is the initial destination for all published messages and the entity in charge of applying routing rules for these messages to reach their destinations. Routing rules include the following: direct (point-to-point), topic (publish-subscribe) and fanout (multicast).
  • Queue: This is the final destination for messages ready to be consumed. A single message can be copied and can reach multiple queues if the exchange's routing rule says so.
  • Binding: This is a virtual connection between an exchange and a queue that enables messages to flow from the former to the latter. A routing key can be associated with a binding in relation to the exchange routing rule.

Comparison of some main features between AMQP and another protocols:
  • Java Message Service (JMS): Unlike AMQP, this only defines the wire protocol for a Java programming interface and not messages. As such, JMS is not interoperable and only works when compatible clients and brokers are used. Moreover, unlike AMQP, it does not define the commands necessary to completely configure messaging routes, leaving too much room for vendorspecific approaches. Finally, in JMS, message producers target a particular destination (queue or topic), meaning the clients need to know about the target topology. In AMQP, the routing logic is encapsulated in exchanges, sparing the publishers from this knowledge.
  • MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT): This is an extremely lightweight message-queuing protocol. MQTT focuses only on the publish-subscribe model. Like AMQP, it is interoperable and is very well suited for massive deployments in embedded systems. Like AMQP, it relies on a broker for subscription management and message routing. RabbitMQ can speak the MQTT protocol—thanks to an extension.
  • ØMQ (also known as ZeroMQ): This offers messaging semantics without the need for a centralized broker (but without the persistence and delivery guarantees that a broker provides). At its core, it is an interoperable networking library. Implemented in many languages, it's a tool of choice for the construction of high-performance and highly-available distributed systems.
  • Process inboxes: Programming languages and platforms such as Erlang or Akka offer messaging semantics too. They rely on a clustering technology to distribute messages between processes or actors. Since they are embedded in the hosting applications, they are not designed for interoperability. 

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