Tuesday, December 29, 2020

AWS CloudShell

AWS CloudShell is a browser-based shell that makes it easy to securely manage, explore, and interact with your AWS resources. CloudShell is pre-authenticated with your console credentials. Common development and operations tools are pre-installed, so no local installation or configuration is required. With CloudShell, you can quickly run scripts with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), experiment with AWS service APIs using the AWS SDKs, or use a range of other tools to be productive. You can use CloudShell right from your browser and at no additional cost.


No extra credentials to manage
CloudShell inherits the credentials of the user signed in to the AWS Management Console, so there's no need to spend extra effort managing credentials locally.

Always up to date
CloudShell provides a fully managed Amazon Linux 2 environment that has the latest versions of popular tools already installed and updated. You don't need to patch the environment or update the pre-installed tools.

No cost
CloudShell provides you with a browser-based shell to run scripts and commands. It includes 1 GB of persistent storage per Region at no extra cost to you. You only pay for the AWS resources you use with CloudShell to create and run your applications.

With 1 GB of persistent storage per Region, you can store scripts, files, configuration preferences, and additional tools in your home directory. You can begin working immediately, without customizing your environment every time you use the shell.

Link: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudshell/