Thursday, June 9, 2016

Test-driven development

Test-driven development (TDD a.k.a. test-first programming) represents an important change to the way most programmers think about writing code. The practice involves writing a test before each new piece of functionality is coded into the system. It is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the software is improved to pass the new tests, only. This is opposed to software development that allows software to be added that isn't proven to meet requirements.
An interesting fact about bug-free code is that as the code is further developed, the bug count in it is less likely to increase than in code that is known to have bugs. Developers are more careful to ensure they do not introduce any errors to a solution that is bug free than they are when the solution is riddled with issues. It is what is known as "broken window syndrome". When code starts to fall into disrepair (has bugs), a typical belief follows that a few more bugs will not make any difference because the code is already broken. Therefore, it is important to keep the quality of the code high all the way through the process.
To develop zero-defect software, you need some tools and the correct way of thinking about quality. One of the most powerful tools is unit testing; and by developing the tests before writing the solution code, you are "turning the volume up." NUnit is a .NET Framework class library that can locate unit tests that have been written in your project. NUnit comes with a GUI windows application and a console-based application that both enable you to run the tests and see the results. Tests either pass or fail, as indicated by a green or red progress bar, respectively.
The tests were intended to increase your confidence in the code you are writing. The tests are driving the development process. By writing the tests first, you should find your focus on the code you are writing changes substantially. Your goal now is to define how the class will be used with a test method and then to get the tests to pass.

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