Monday, December 22, 2014


Ember.js is a framework that enables user to build “ambitious” web applications. That term “ambitious” can mean different things to different people, but as a general rule, Ember.js aims to help user, push the envelope of develop code for the web, while ensuring that application source code remains structured and sane. Ember.js achieves this goal by structuring an application into logical abstraction layers and forcing the development model to be as object-oriented as possible. At its core, Ember.js has built-in support for the following features:
  • Bindings - Enables the changes to one variable to propagate into another variable and vice versa
  • Computed properties - Enables to mark functions as properties that automatically update along with the properties they rely on
  • Automatically updated templates - Ensures that GUI stays up to date whenever changes occur in the underlying data
With the combination of these features along with a strong and well-planned Model-View-Controller (MVC)  architecture results into a framework that delivers on its promise.
Below image shows the internal architecture of Ember framework:
Ember.js application includes - a complete MVC implementation, which enriches both the controller and the view layers, and Ember Data enriches the model layer of Ember.js.
  • Model layer - Built with an ember objects
  • View layer - Built with a combination of templates and views
  • Controller layer - Built with a combination of routes and controllers

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