Thursday, March 31, 2016

Few C# Terms

An accessor is a method which provides access to the value managed within a class. Effectively the access is read only, in that the data is held securely in the class but code in other classes may need to have access to the value itself. An accessor is implemented as a public method which will return a value to the caller. Note that if the thing being given access to is managed by reference the programmer must make sure that it is OK for a reference to the object is passed out. If the object is not to be changed it may be necessary to make a copy of the object to return to the caller.

If a class is dependent on another the two classes are said to be coupled. Generally speaking a programmer should strive to have as little coupling in their designs as possible, since it makes it harder to update the system. Coupling is often discussed alongside cohesion, in that you should aim for high cohesion and low coupling.

A mutator is a method which is called to change the value of a member inside an object. The change will hopefully be managed, in that invalid values will be rejected in some way. This is implemented in the form of a public method which is supplied with a new value and may return an error code.

A stream is an object which represents a connection to something which is going to move data for us. The movement might be to a disk file, to a network port or even to the system console. Streams remove the need to modify a program depending on where the output is to be sent or input received from.

This is a value which is used to identify the element in an array. It must be an integer value. Subscripts in C# always start at 0 (this locates, the first element of the array) and extend up to the size of the array minus 1. This means that if you create a four element array you get hold of elements in the array by subscript values of 0,1,2 or 3. The best way to regard a subscript is the distance down the array you are going to move to get the element that you want. This means that the first element in the array must have a subscript value of 0.

Type-safe code accesses only the memory locations it is authorized to access. For example, type-safe code cannot read values from another object's private fields. It accesses types only in well-defined, allowable ways. When code is type safe, the common language runtime can completely isolate assemblies from each other. This isolation helps ensure that assemblies cannot adversely affect each other and it increases application reliability. Type-safe components can execute safely in the same process even if they are trusted at different levels.

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