Sunday, March 15, 2015

What's New in Visual Studio 2015

The following are the new features of the Visual Studio 2015

UI debugging tools for XAML
Two new tools — the Live Visual Tree and the Live Property Explorer — that can use to inspect the visual tree of your running WPF application, as well as the properties on any element in the tree. In short, these tools will allow to select any element in your running app and show the final, computed and rendered properties.

Single sign-in
The new release, reduces the authentication prompts required to access many integrated cloud services in Visual Studio. Now, when user authenticate to the first cloud service in Visual Studio, we will automatically sign in, or reduce the authentication prompts for other integrated cloud services.

With CodeLens, user can find out more about code while staying focused on work in the editor. User can now see the history of C++, SQL, or JavaScript files versioned in Git repositories by using CodeLens file-level indicators. When working with source control in Git and work items in TFS, user can also can get information about the work items associated with C++, SQL, or JavaScript files by using CodeLens file-level work items indicators.

Code Maps
When you user to understand specific dependencies in thier code, visualize them by creating Code Maps. User can then navigate these relationships by using the map, which appears next to code.

Diagnostics Tools
The Diagnostic Tools debugger window has the following improvements:
 1. Supports 64-bit Windows Store apps
 2. The timeline zooms as necessary so the most recent break event is always visible

Exception Settings
User can configure debugger exception settings by using the Exception Settings tool window. The new window is non-modal and includes improved performance, search, and filter capabilities.

JavaScript Editor
The JavaScript editor now provides you with IntelliSense suggestions when passing an object literal to functions documented using JSDoc. User can use the Task List feature to review task comments, such as // TODO, in JavaScript code.

Unit Tests
In Visual Studio 2015 preview, introduced Smart Unit Tests, which explores developer's .NET code to generate test data and a suite of unit tests. Smart Unit Tests enables support for an API that can use to guide test data generation, specify correctness properties of the code under test, and direct the exploration of the code under test.

XAML Language Service
The XAML language service has been rebuilt on top of .NET Compiler Platform so that it can provide you with a fast, reliable, and modern XAML editing experience that includes IntelliSense.

Timeline Tool
The new Timeline tool provides you with a scenario-centric view of the resources that your applications consume, which you can use to inspect, diagnose, and improve the performance of your WPF and Windows Store 8.1 applications.

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